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Updated: Nov 9, 2020

Africa my father land

The virgin land and my super warrior

That fed hungry men and women

The Ocean that cured leprosy

You are my hero and fortress

A ray of sunshine

Africa you do not have sibling

You do not have equal

You hospitalized men

That castrated you

You healed wound

That infected you

O! My father land

You killed lion with your bare hands

You took yourself from,

Sacrificial lamp to a high priest

From certitude to freedom

From economic exploitation to economic exaltation

You broke the York of serfdom

And paved the way for my freedom

The sweat on your forehead

Is the water that quenches my thirst

The blood you shed in the battlefield

Is the paint of my house

Your cry and agony

Is my lullaby

You are my land my path

Africa the spacious land that never gave you space

You sat hair-breath with your lovely enemies

That envied and persecuted you

The pain of your persecution

Never stopped your breakthrough

You are an ant that killed the elephant

The Iroko tree that survives after burning

You came out from the shackles of repression

To a quiet recession

You decided your fate against all odds

You took your destiny by your hands

You recognized your enemies and friends

Thank you my dear father

Your memory is a foot-print on a rocky soil

A rut on a sandy soil

O! Africa my super hero.

Proudly African!

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