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The moment you get out of bed and wash your face and drink water (Pure Water Companies) will be counting on you and when you brush your teeth, Pepsodent, Close-up or Oral-B etc. will be earning on you.

When you Charge your phone (NEPA/PHCN) will be reading their meter and earning from you.

When you move from your house to you place of work, taxi, Danfo, Okada or keke Marwa owners will be counting on you.

If you are driving, Fuel Station Owners will be collecting their share.

When you check your WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media, telecommunication companies will be making money on you.

So before you get out of the house you have already paid all these companies something. You have already spent money.

Let me not even talk about the rest of the day.

So if you are going to bed without making money.

How are you going to foot all these bills???

Do something about your life today.

Start thinking about how to make money every day.

Think Residual Income. Start with a small targeted amount and grow as you go.

Start with something that will give you a little cash even if it is 10 Naira a day.

It’s better than going to bed without making even a (kobo).

Let's Put our faith into action, take risks and start something!

SALARY alone cannot solve your money problems.

You need Secondary Sources of income to balance.

SALARY is a MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, it doesn't CURE it.

Only your BUSINESS or INVESTMENT Cures Poverty.

Let's be Financially Intelligent this 2021.

Best Regards,

Scholars Club.

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